Pat's Blog
raa-ii-ya ra raiyora
Monday, July 10, 2006 at 8:20 PM
A magnificent mushroom cloud in the sky raa-ii-ya ra raiyora In the afternoon where a little bird munches bait on the lane
Yes! You are correct! That is, of course, the first verse from the theme tune of the awesome Paranoia Agent.
"WHAT?" I hear you ask.
Well, allow me to explain:- On Sunday, myself and some mates from Uni went to the Barbican's Anime Film Festival
- The Anime Film Festival consists of a showing of 4 fine pieces of Anime film / TV shows at the Barbican
- One of the showings was of episodes 1 - 4 of an animated Japanese TV show called Paranoia Agent
- It was awesome: gripping, a bit confusing, funny, thrilling and had
some gratuitous anime naked female forms amazing artwork in it
- The theme tune caused Chanmander and myself to dance like fools in the cinema
- The end credits are possibily the oddest end credits in the world. FACT.
- I've preordered the DVD boxed set from play.com
- So should you
- Because it's awesome
(Paranoia Agent is awesome)
Hope that makes sense now :-)