Pat's Blog
Monday, May 10, 2004 at 5:51 PM
As I sat here in front of my work computer, waiting until 6PM whereupon I could start the migration of several deparment's data from one of our old crappy NT servers onto a spangly Win2k box, I realised I hadn't blogged in a while.
So with 10 minutes to go until I had to do some work, I thought I'd spent it updating you on what I've been up to of late.
So here goes... (7 minutes left)- Watching Films
Saw "Eternal Sunshine..." the other day and quite frankly it's in the top 3 films I've seen in the past year. Stunning. Well shot, well acted, unique and quite moving imho... particularly if you've ever had a bad breakup. Go and see it! I also saw "Master and Commander" on DVD last night, which was actually quite good and a lot less dull than expected!! Good acting, actually believable English Accents and a surprisingly warm feel for what was essentially a battle on the seas.
- Watching The X Files
My brother David's just had an op on his shoulder, so has come back to Essex to stay with the folks for a few weeks to recover. Because he can't write (and that's what he loves to do) he decided to console himself with the X Files Series 1 on DVD. I went to see him yesterday and watched about 5 episodes. It is *so good*. Gonna have to spend a bit of dosh, methinks... (Hmm, 3 minutes left)
- Going to Colchester to Shop...
...and I'm going again!!! Wooh! Final "trip" on Monday 17th... will be a mock, er, shopping trip with my (hopefully)to-be coh-er, co-shopper. Fingers crossed!!
- Being at work
Doing lots of shared data migrations at the mo, hence why I'm here now and have been doing fairly late evenings + very busy days for the past couple of weeks. (1 minute)
- Going out
Went to Chelmsford in the evening on Saturday with Lev and Andrea, which was great fun indeed... but Sunday was less fun. Ouch.
- Feeling a bit ill
See "Going Out" and "Being at work" (0 minutes, crap!)
- Doing radio shows
Wooh :-)
Right, that'll be 6pm then... time to go!